Whether you are seeking a place to learn more about your melanoma diagnosis, a place to find a comforting chat forum, or the latest in immunotherapy or medical news… below are a few sites where you can find helpful information and general overviews of the latest treatments and experimental research:
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer
Connect Melanoma — Awareness. Prevention. Advocacy.
American Association for Cancer Research
Clinical Trials (National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine)
American Brain Tumor Association — Did you know that melanoma is the cancer which is 3rd most likely (lung and breast are 1 and 2) to metastasize to the brain? Did you also know that brain metastases account for hundreds of thousands of patients with cancer in the brain each year? For those of you who have found this site as a stage IV patient with brain mets… you are NOT alone. Oddly enough, you’ve now got an entire new batch of community support with the “brain cancer” community!
USC Brain Tumor Center (these are “my” people) — This site will give you a closer look at how comprehensive care centers improve outcomes and have the ability to provide better care. Sooo… even if you’re not near southern California, it is my way of trying to convince you that it’s worth looking into the center nearest to you. Need help finding a place? The National Cancer Institute is here for you… click HERE to find a map of their designated cancer treatment centers.
2nd Chance 2 Live is my friend Wendy’s website. Her list of resources is sure to have something you’ll find helpful!
Survival Mode is my friend Todd’s podcast page. You’re sure to find someone you can relate to!
Although each type of cancer and their treatments will differ, there are some things that still remain universally helpful for any patient and caregiver:
Ten Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Cancer Diagnosis
Living with Cancer: Eight Things You Need to Know
Eating Well During and After Your Cancer Treatment
PTSD and Life After Cancer